
Hey there! Welcome to Jamtown :) This is just a fun little site I've started as a more casual/chill vibe. For my official website, you can check out jamphibious.com!

* Note, some pages are still under construction or unavailable! Please stay tuned!

News And Updates

  1. Slight Update

  2. 2024-10-06
  3. Been a hot minute, but I'm kinda chipping at this little site again. Mostly all I've added so far is a new "Retrospectives" section - currently just some kinda silly and unedited thoughs on a couple of my favourite games from my youth (SA2 and Shinobi 3!) so I expect I will change/update those when I feel like it. I'm planning to revisit some old favourites and write some quick ramblings about them - I've been on a bit of a kick of revisiting my inspirations and rediscovering myself and who I am and all that. Games and music have been a big part of that, so looking back at things has been a bit therapeutic for me.

    I'd also like to rearrange and update some of my other pages, such as my music and game dev ones. I've released some new stuff this year on both fronts - particularly a little game jam game I'm pretty proud of. I've also got a new game I've been developing for a while, and I'm not so sure the best place to really share stuff about it. This site might be a good place to have some little updates or tidbits of info at some point - social media is a bit of a mess these days and I mostly just try to share music ocassionally, while otherwise just keeping my head down and work.

    I do have some cool music stuff in the works for some indie projects - so I'll be excited to share more of that with the world when the time comes. Until then though - have a good one!
  1. New Site!

  2. 2024-04-25
  3. I spent a bit of my spare time this week getting a basic layout setup for this new site. It's weird, I never was super into HTML back in the day and my experience with it was largely just finding blocks of stuff to copy/paste for some Neopets page customization. Yet I have found the process really cozy and nostalgic, maybe its just the general "old web" feel of it all.

    I'm hoping to make this just a silly/fun little place to have a more chill web presence. So far I'm feeling like it is a pretty neat creative outlet, plus I'm hoping to host some of my personal projects including gamedev, music/MIDIs, and whatever else here if all goes well.

    Anyways, take care for now!
  4. happy frog
frog with headphones on, musical notes to the side bob up and down